

Mark “Skap” Skapinetz

Mark Skapinetz is a seasoned appraiser who started his appraisal career in 2003, initially in New Jersey, and since 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia. 

In 2014, he created the 100% Real Estate Appraisers group on Facebook, now with over 4000 independent appraisers and growing. This highly active group provides independent appraisers a place to digitally gather, discuss their dynamic profession, and learn from one anothers’ widely varied expertise. 

In 2018, he created the SKAP The Appraiser Blog  to allow consumers and property professionals to be more informed about the controversial issues facing the appraisal profession. His work has been featured in national and local publications. 

Mark has now taken the role of  President of the American Guild of Appraisers where he will continue to empower appraisers, advocate for their cause, and support the AGA’s vision,.